
30 kg Whole Barley Poultry Feed Cleaned Food Chicken Hen Duck Geese Bird DML

Item number DML-Gerste-30kg
Item bundle content:
30 x
GBP 24.99 *
Content 30 kilogram
Unit price GBP 0.83 / kilogram
Ready for shipping, delivery in 48h
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* Incl. VAT excl. Shipping

High quality feed barley for poultry and rodents.

Our traditional farm has centuries of experience in growing grain.
The feed barley comes directly from our own fields and is grown conventionally.

The barley is perfect as an additive to laying flour or other supplementary feed.

Scope of delivery:
30 kg sack

  • High quality feed barley for poultry and rodents

  • The feed barley comes directly from our own fields and is grown conventionally.

  • Scope of delivery: 30 kg sack
Item ID 12057
Condition New
Age rating No age restriction
Manufacturer Petigi
Manufacturing country Germany
Content 30 kilogram
Weight 30000 g
Dimensions 30×20×10 mm
Lagento GmbH
Mährisch-Schönberger-Straße 4
34613 Schwalmstadt Germany
06691 2201685