
BodenHerz Soil Activator Soil Improvement Soil Improver Soil Health Minerals for Bed Lawn 100% Natural 25 kg petigi

Item number PT-BodenHerz-25kg
Item bundle content:
1 x
GBP 23.99 *
Content 25 kilogram
Unit price GBP 0.96 / kilogram
Ready for shipping, delivery in 48h
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Make your garden bloom with petigi BodenHerz!

petigi BodenHerz is extremely versatile:
Soil improvement: By incorporating petigi BodenHerz, the nutrients in the soil are activated, minerals are enriched, the soil is remineralized and the soil environment is improved.
Compost optimization: Spread a generous layer of the powder on the compost soil. This binds leachate, activates microorganisms and binds unpleasant odors and CO2. The compost soil is also enriched with valuable minerals.
Optimal potting soil: Mix petigi BodenHerz with potting soil. The enriched soil supplies your plants with minerals and nutrients, promotes their health and increases both yield and flowering.
Lawn care: Sprinkle the fine powder on your lawn to improve the soil structure and dry out moss. Your lawn will grow more evenly and become stronger.
Pest/Snail Control: Place a wall of petigi soil heart around your plants. After rain you need to apply again.

Bee-friendly: petigi BodenHerz protects the bees and supports the preservation of important pollinators.
Organic: petigi BodenHerz is based on organic ingredients and is free of chemical additives.
Safe for people and pets: Our soil activator is completely harmless and safe to use for both people and pets.
No overdose possible: Since it is a purely organic product, it cannot be overdosed. You can use it without any worries.
Easy to use: petigi BodenHerz is easy to use and requires no complicated preparations or special knowledge. It is easy to use for everyone.

Dosage instructions:
Vegetables: 300-400 gr / m²
Potting soil: 300 gr / m²
Bed / raised bed: 300 gr / m²
Compost: 2 kg / m² for every 10 cm layer height in the compost
Turf: 200-500 gr/m²
Plant pots: 70 gr/L
Strawberries: Work 1 handful per plant into the soil
Tomatoes: Work the following mixture into the soil: 3 liters of compost soil mixed with 300 g
Potatoes: 200 gr / linear meter
Basil: sprinkle a little on the soil

Composition / product properties:
Made from basic silicate weathering rock.
Grinded with a fineness of 0.08 mm
5.2% CaO = lime has a basic effect
3.2% MgO = magnesium oxide
0.05% Na = sodium
0.48% K2O = potassium oxide
50.9% SiO2 = silicon
plus 22 important trace elements such as manganese, selenium, zinc, iron, sulfur, boron, molybdenum, copper
Additionally enriched with bioactive lactic acid bacteria to control the environment in the soil

Contains a total of 11 main nutrients and 22 trace elements

Scope of delivery:
1x 25 kg bag / mold: powder

  • NUTRIENTS: petigi Soil Heart is rich in minerals. Made from basic silicate weathering rock, it ideally supplies plants and soil with many important nutrients.
  • SOIL IMPROVEMENT: By incorporating petigi BodenHerz, the nutrients in the soil are activated, minerals are enriched, the soil is regenerated and remineralized and the soil environment is improved. In addition, the water storage capacity is improved.
  • POTTING SOIL: Mix petigi BodenHerz with potting soil. The enriched soil supplies your plants with minerals and nutrients, promotes their health and increases both yield and flowering.
  • 100% NATURE: Safe for people and pets: Our soil activator is completely harmless and safe to use, both for people and pets. petigi BodenHerz protects the bees and supports the preservation of important pollinators.
  • PRODUCT INFORMATION: Scope of delivery: 1x 25 kg bag / form: powder (composition: 5.2% CaO = alkaline lime, 3.2% MgO = magnesium oxide, 0.05% Na = sodium, 0.48% K2O = potassium oxide, 50.9% SiO2 = silicon, plus 22 important trace elements such as manganese, selenium, zinc, iron, sulfur, boron, molybdenum, copper)
Item ID 15121
Condition New
Age rating No age restriction
Manufacturer Petigi
Manufacturing country Austria
Content 25 kilogram
Weight 25000 g
Dimensions 60×40×25 mm
Lagento GmbH
Mährisch-Schönberger-Straße 4
34613 Schwalmstadt Germany
06691 2201685