
5x Mice Bait Box Station Mice Rodent Key Black Trap Station Petigi

Item number ZI-SED101F-Maeuse-KB-5-HU
GBP 14.99 *
Content 1 piece
Ready for shipping, delivery in 48h
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Mice bait station - effective control of mice.

This box enables you to apply bait safely and professionally. The housing, which is made of sturdy plastic, has 2 entrances for mice and ensures that bait is accepted quickly and safely.
The lock is secured with a key so that children and pets are protected from accidental ingestion and poisoning. 

The handling and cleaning of this box are easy. The box is suitable for outdoor and indoor use as well as for wetlands. Fresh, paste and solid baits can be used as bait.


11 x 11 x 4 cm

Scope of delivery:
5x Mice bait box
1x key Typ H

!!! Please note: We do NOT carry baits in our range !!!

  • Mice bait station - effective control of mice.

  • The box is suitable for outdoor and indoor use as well as for wetlands. Fresh, paste and solid baits can be used as bait.

  • The lock is secured with a key- No ingestion by children or pets possible

  • Material: Plastic / Size: 11 x 11 x 4 cm

  • Scope of delivery: 5x mice bait box, 1x key Typ H; !!! Please note: We do NOT carry baits in our range !!!
Item ID 15219
Condition New
Age rating No age restriction
Manufacturer Petigi
Manufacturing country Hungary
Content 1 piece
Weight 800 g
Dimensions 25×25×15 mm
Lagento GmbH
Mährisch-Schönberger-Straße 4
34613 Schwalmstadt Germany
06691 2201685